Ryder Cup 2008

Sunday will see the FROGS taking on the Golfaholics in the Ryder Cup.

These are the final pairings (Golfaholics mentioned first):

9:00 Dancin’ Tom 3 V James King 4; Paul McClaren 8 V Ross Mackenzie 4
9:10 Tom Walsh 10 V Tim van Dijk 10; Alan Lynch 9 V Jess Have 9
9:20 Chris Alford 9 V Rupert Birch 12; John Molloy 12 V Duncan Tippin 12
9:30 Andy Nolan 4 V Craig Ferreira 5; Ray Fitzpatrick 5 V Alan Botfield 6

9:40 Steve Kinsella 15, Andy Collen 15 V Bart D’Ancona 20, Dave Hopwood 24
9:50 Richard Morris 14, Damien Bushe 14 V Merve Herneman 12, Franco Mastroddi 14
10:00 Tony Savage 21, Dave Kearney 24 V Derek Sinclair 14, Dave Winters 22
10:10 Torben 16, John Grisewood 18 V Steve Brown 10, Phil Woodger 12
10:20 Alain Merker 20, Shane Mullally 23 V Ian Doherty 18, Peter Baxter 10
10:30 Pat Hutchines 21, Duncan McMahon 18 V Paul Goes 18, Jonathan Hill 13
10:40 Vihjlmur Axelsson 24, Kevin Beasley 18 V Luc De Vet 24, Halldor Magnusson 14
10:50 JD 22, Andy Ferns 19 V Marco Bus 20, Paolo Tarakadjian 21
11:00 Chris Savage 20, Hugh Savage 21 V Neil Underwood 24, Bernard Biggar 24

Let’s go get ’em!

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