CITCO round 3 of 2013 – Preisch

After all the wet weather over the last few weeks we were very lucky that we managed to play without the rain. That said the course was very wet and muddy. Winter rules were definitely in order although not all the players were aware that the winter rules were being applied. As winter rules in middle of May is unusual the committee will, in any future similar circumstances, make it clear to all players before they start their round when they are being applied. The scores reflected the difficult conditions and we had a standard scratch score of 12.

We are looking for a couple more starters for events towards the end of the season so please contact Andrew Paton to volunteer. It is important that we all share this role and do not leave it to the usual members.

SHRM matchplay:
Dave has circulated the updated results so please do arrange your matches and keep to the dates for each round.

Round 3
Thanks to Tony Whiteman for performing the starter’s duties so diligently and for providing the beers on the first.

To the scores:

NTP Gregor Dalrymple
LD Jess

NB If you know you will not be present for the prize giving, please do not write your name on the Longest Drive or Nearest the Pin markers.

1. Delboy 18 pts
2. Steve Brown 17 pts cb
3. Mark Gillies 17 pts cb
4. Craig Ferreira

Pink Ball
Franco made a determined effort to win as did Mark Phillips both of whom scored 4 points but the outright winner was John Sutherland with 3 points- although he did not stay for the presentation we will make sure that he receives the pink ball at the next presentation.

After 3 rounds Craig is the clear leader of the CITCO GP by 5 strokes – glad to see that all the extra time is now being well used!

Next event is on Wednesday 5th June at Canach. Your starter will be Rob McCorduck.


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