Report – CITCO Round 9 – 27 July 2016 – Kikuoka

Dear Golfers,

Thank you to Mark Houston for being our starter yesterday evening. He welcomed us on the first tee with beers and crisps. Mark has also raised the bar on starter duties by including on the starter spreadsheet each player’s handicap and whether or not they are members.

The course and the weather were both perfect for 9 holes of golf and the quality of play reflected this. The standard scratch score was 15, to be confirmed as there was a computer issue last night. At least this time we had the computer, which is a step in the right direction.

As concerns the results: Arnaud hit a laser like 5 iron on the 7th for Nearest the Pin. Gregor got all of it on the 2nd to win the Longest Drive. Will Heath got it done to take the Leary.

We were honoured to be joined by two guests, Stuart Hamilton scored 12 points, but was beaten by a point by Stéphane (Arnaud’s father).

I was fortunate to take first prize this time with 17 points. Alan was second on 16, narrowly beating Arnaud into third on count back. On the same total of 16 points was Johan who came fourth on count back. In fifth place was Delboy on 15 points.

In case we needed proof of how fickle golf can be: Peter, the winner of round 8, walked away with the Pink Ball.

As concerns the Stibbe matchplay: Arnaud beat Stephane Ayache, 3 and 2. Mark Houston beat Paul Goes, 1 up.

I failed to make a note of the updated standings in the CITCO Overall; but you will find them on the website soon. Sorry.

The next event is the MIXvoip Pairs at Junglinster on 3 August. Paul is your starter.

Please Note: The computer issues that we have suffered the last couple of weeks are being addressed. Ernest has offered training, which should help. Thank you for your patience.

Further: by some miracle there were no issues last night with unpaid food or drinks.

Thank you.


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